Friday 4 December 2009

Benefits of Broccoli For Body

Of course, you all know the kinds of vegetables this one. Typical form wrinkled make vegetables so easy to remember. Yes, especially if it was not broccoli.

Broccoli has a Latin name Brassica oleracea. Broccoli is a vegetable crop that includes the cabbage family (Brassicaceae). The ancient Greeks, plants from the middle east region has been long cultivated. And vegetables that contain lots of vitamin C is becoming known in Indonesia around 1970. Until now, the broccoli is very popular as food.

It has long been the kind of vegetables like cauliflower, is believed to have huge benefits for the health of the body. One of them is to deal with all matters of the stomach. Like other vegetables, broccoli is rich in provitamin A or carotenoids, vitamin E, folic acid and vitamin C. According to some experts beauty, vitamin A in broccoli contain antioxidants that are better than that possessed by antioxidant vitamin C. In addition, the benefits of skin rejuvenation is very good because evitel revitalization of vitamin A can prevent and slow the aging of the skin. It is one of the many benefits of broccoli. Here are some reviews about the benefits of broccoli and how to get it.

Overcoming All Stomach Problems

Broccoli is useful to overcome constipation. From the most minor problems. Broccoli contains nutrients, fivonoid, and fiber. As we all know that fiber is needed by the body to facilitate the digestive process. And fiber in broccoli can prevent constipation or better known as constipation.

The latest research and more specifically to the idea that broccoli can reduce the risk of a variety of digestive disorders such as gastritis, gastric infections, and possibly stomach cancer. In a study in Japan, the experts found that eating 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day for 2 months to protect the Man of the bacteria associated stomach ulcer disease, gastric infections, and stomach cancer. Substances in broccoli is most important to prevent the affairs of the stomach is sulforaphane also able to increase production of enzymes in the liver. These enzymes act took carcinogenic substances (causing cancer) are and out of cells. In addition, sulforaphane has the ability to kill Helicobacter pylori (the bacteria working bully stomach). And in the medical world, these bacteria are the main causes of injuries and cancer, and stomach.

Prevent cell damage blood vessels in diabetes. In addition to matters of the stomach, researchers from the University of Warwick believes if sulforaphane has a role in restoring the blood vessels damaged by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), which is closely related to diabetes.

Alzheimer's is a form of dementia (memory loss) is most common among older people. Disease activity sufferers everyday. Actually broccoli has long been believed to have an important role to cure the disease. Many researchers suspect that broccoli contains compounds antiacetylcholinesterase. In a study conducted by King's College in London, broccoli is considered to have the most powerful antiacetylcholineaterase properties.

How to Take Benefits of Broccoli

To get the benefits already mentioned above, would not then you can just buy and eat broccoli. Then expect to get benefits. Broccoli is good to have a dark green color and coarse-textured clear.

There are several ways to eat broccoli, so you still get health benefits. If you like fresh vegetables, broccoli, can you direct consumption. Or you can also make as one Lalapan content and also mixed with other vegetables for salads. Another option, you can consume in the form of broccoli juice.

If you do not really like eating right, you can choose to boil it first. But keep in mind, you should not steam or boil the broccoli more than 5 minutes over 1 inch boiling water. Because sulforaphane content of broccoli could be lost if cooked too long. And please note, the content of sulforaphane in broccoli fresh higher than in broccoli steamed boiled or overcooked.

If you want to wash the broccoli, you should do the washing in cold tap water. And you should not soak broccoli because the active substances or nutrients can be dissolved in water.

Type of Diabetes Disease

Diabetes is caused by several factors that cause a type diabetes as well. Now to find out what type of diabetes that, let us refer to the following article:

Diabetes Type I, depending on insulin

Type I diabetes is when your body needs insulin supply from outside, because the beta cells of the Laangerhans islands have been damaged, so the pancreas stops producing insulin. Beta cell damage can occur from childhood or as adults.

Type I diabetes is diidap by approximately 10-15% of patients with diabetes in the United States. Sufferer must get insulin shots every day for life, so-called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or diabetes mellitus are dependent on insulin to regulate blood sugar metabolism. From the condition, this type of diabetes is most severe.

Type I diabetes is usually found in people with diabetes who began experiencing since the children or adolescents, so that in the old days the doctors call it a young diabetic. Half of the virus with diabetes who are middle-aged, but not body fat like most people with Type II Diabetes. The researchers called Diabetes Type 1.5, which is called LADA (latent autoimmune diabetes in adults), because the immune system to attack (autoimmune reaction) beta cells of the pancreas gradually that stopped producing insulin.

Type I Diabetes sufferers are particularly vulnerable to short-term complications of this disease is dangerous, two complications closely related to changes in blood sugar levels, which is too banayak blood sugar (hyperglycemia) or lack of blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Another risk patients with type I diabetes is a ketone compounds poisoning from harmful byproduct of metabolism accumulate (ketoacidosis), with the risk of diabetic coma.

Type II diabetes, not dependent on insulin

Type II diabetes occurs when insulin the pancreas does not produce enough or fat cells and muscles of the body become resistant to insulin, so there was disruption to the delivery of sugar the body cells. Type II diabetes is a type of diabetes is most often common, is also often called diabetes that began in adulthood, known as NIDDM (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus). This type of diabetes represents approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes, because in most cases 4 to 5 people with Type II diabetes is overweight, and obesity is often used as an indicator for diabetes.

Type II diabetes can be decreased from diabetic parents. But the risk of this disease will be higher if overweight and have a lifestyle that makes you less mobile. So on Type II Diabetes is the main trigger factor is obesity (excess fat). Another causative factor is the wrong diet, aging, and stress that result in insulin resistance. Also may occur because of nutrition (malnutrition) during pregnancy, during childhood, and in adulthood.

Diabetes Type III, the newly discovered

Experts in the U.S. believe that they have discovered a new type of diabetes after discovering that the insulin is also produced in the brain and can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Research conducted by Suzanne de la Monde with his colleague who was a professor of pathology at Brown Medical Schoolini found an association between diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Suzanne suggested that insulin is produced in the brain, the body needs for survival of brain cells. If the amount is less, then the brain cells will degenerate and eventually lead to Alzheimer's disease. The results of this study further strengthened by research done on brain tissue from cadavers that had been in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. The result of insulin and IGF-I decreased in the cortex, hippocampus, and hypothalamus.

Equivalent Black Tea Benefits Green Tea

During this green tea is believed to reduce coronary attack, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and liver cancer became a frightening disease for each person. So many manufacturers vying tea out of green tea beverage products more practical package. But it is justified only a potent green tea like that?

Professor of Food and Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan MS and heart health expert Dr. Mohammad Taufik SPJ in a discussion about the tea, in Bogor, recently argued, black tea (black tea) are also potent as green tea because the content of free radicals contained therein.

"It is true that black tea has benefits such as reducing the risk of cancer, prevents coronary heart disease, preventing aging, and also can lower cholesterol in the blood," said Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan.

Prof. Ali explains, from a variety of reference, note that black tea has been consumed by our society enough compounds that contain both components of the body. The main antioxidants and theaflavins are high enough. Compounds that have the effect may reduce the risk of diseases such as preventing cancer and coronary heart disease. "Black tea or black tea is made from fresh tea leaf is allowed to wither before it rolled, then heated and dried. Black tea is fermented tea as well" says Ali Khomsan.

One heart health experts from Bogor Rain City, Dr. Mohammad Taufik H SPJ supports the opinion of Prof. Dr. Ali Khomsan mentioning black tea are beneficial for reducing coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.

Unfortunately, according to Taufik, the benefits contained in black tea have many known by the public. This is due to the lack of socialization as well as publication of various studies about the benefits of black tea for health.

Some time ago, the National Heart Center Heart Hospital Harapan Kita Jakarta (RSJHK) also presented research results in a talk show with the theme "Black Tea Effect in Preventing and Overcoming Coronary Heart Disease Risk" in the hall RSJHK Jakarta. According to the results of these studies, catechins in black tea, the compounds mentioned as the actor who can fight degenerative diseases are compounds theaflavins.

Theaflavins compounds are antioxidants, anti-cancer, anti-mutagenic, anti antidiabetes and other diseases. Compounds in black tea theaflavins in significant numbers.

Simply put, antioxidants are expressed as compound capable of inhibiting or preventing oxidation. Based on the source, anti-oxidants can be divided into natural and synthetic antioxidants.

Theaflavins is a natural antioxidant potential. His ability as a catcher of free radicals is another undeniable validity. Theaflavins as an antioxidant ability was not enough there.

Activities as antioxidants in inhibiting oxidation of low density lippoprotein (LDL) was shown a wonderful thing. In seduhan black tea, theaflavins give a yellowish red color.

Meanwhile thearubigin and theanapthoquinone each gave a red color dark brown and yellow. To this taste, together with caffeine, theaflavins are present in black tea gives a fresh taste

Research in the Netherlands concluded that drinking black tea may prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, especially in women. Black tea one to two cups can suppress the accumulation of cholesterol up to 46 per cent and if drinking 4 cups can reach 69 percent.

This is supported by the results of research in the United States that showed a heart attack decreases 40 percent in people who used to drink black tea.

Black tea also showed a convincing ability as a natural food source for people with diabetes, especially in its capacity increase insulin activity.

Research carried out the United States Department of Agriculture has been published in the Journal of Agric Food Chem 2002, shows the ability of black tea increased insulin activity more than green tea and Oolong tea.

According to Mohammad Taufik, usually, health experts will publish, after some time doing research. When the results of research show the same results, a new study published. But when the new one study, the results will not be published.

"If research is so new we do not maybe we publish. Usually the published research is research that has repeatedly," said the doctor was sepesialis heart.

More Superior

Based on the processing process, tea is classified into three types of black tea (fermented or oksimatis, short for oxidation ensimatis), Oolong tea and green tea. Logical consequence of differences in these processes, giving birth to different tea products both physically and chemically.

In chemistry, the most notable difference is the difference in the composition of compounds polyfenol content. In the processing of black tea and Oolong tea, most catechins into theaflavins, thearubigin, and theanaphtoquinone.

Although not as popular as their ancestors (catechins), theaflavins have been studied by several researchers. Numerous studies have stated that theaflavins more potential than the catechins, theaflavins recall the structure is more potential than the catechins.

This can be seen from how much the hydroxy group (OH) has. This hydroxy group can act as anti-free radicals or antioxidants. The more hydroxy groups of a compound, the ability as an antioxidant compound, the better.

Theaflavins found only in black tea or tea that has undergone oksimatis. Theaflavins was due to the oxidation of catechins on oksimatis process black tea processing. Theaflavins strength equivalent to catechins and even some recent publications claimed that theaflavins more potent than catechins.

Indonesia itself currently listed as the most tea producers in the world number five. However, black tea based on studies of Indonesia, contains theaflavins higher than Japan or China. Thus, if we drink black tea native to Indonesia, the tendency to prevent coronary heart disease as mentioned above higher. Unfortunately this is not much known by the Indonesian people themselves.

Preventing and Dealing In Gall Stone Natural

When the chest pain, many people immediately think about
heart attack. These complaints are often marked symptoms of illness
heart. It turned out that many types of diseases that one indication
is chest pain, including lung cancer, breast cancer and
increase in stomach acid.

Not all chest pain comes from a disturbance in the jantung.Namun organs, chest pain is a typical symptom of the illness jantung.Menurut Dr. Hary Utomo, Sp. JP, chest pain due to abnormal jantungdiakibatkan imbalance between needs and supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.

Imbalance could be due to increased oxygen demand or
supply was too low, it could be a combination of both. In people with narrowing of the coronary arteries (blood vessels that supply the food), automatic blood stream is limited.

"If the patient requires an excess of oxygen consumption, such as when exercising or when facing stressful situations, such as anger, can be estimated onset of symptoms of angina or chest pain before," said a cardiologist and the blood vessels of the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta. These symptoms can get worse if accompanied by cramping, blood vessels, usually called spasm.

May end fatally
Sensation of chest pain due to coronary heart disease can vary. Usually a heavy feeling downtrodden, feeling gripped, sick or nauseated, burning heat, or a sense of choking in the throat.

Body parts that had complaints that could be in the middle of the chest, solar plexus, and between the shoulder blades, with spread to the left arm, neck and jaw. These symptoms occur when the patient initially doing strenuous physical.

Complaints will usually disappear after the patient rested. However, if the blood vessel disease is allowed to grow, the complaint will also appear at the break.

Increases the weight makes the disease chest pain lasted longer and could be accompanied by cold sweat, anxiety, cold hands and feet, seizures and even the consciousness decreased. If you do not immediately get medical help, this case can end up fatal.

The death rate for cardiogenic shock was more than 95 percent.
If patients helped, often have symptoms rest of the form
neurological disorders or kidney failure.

More Early Tests
At the hospital, chest pain patients will undergo a physical examination, laboratory and x-ray. If necessary also conducted
electrocardiography and echocardiography. Having obtained the certainty
stenosis of coronary angiography will be performed.

As early detection efforts, Dr. Hary suggested that those who
35-year-old began the practice test test (treadmill) every year. If you have high risk factors such as smoking, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia (abnormal blood lipid profile), high blood pressure, family history, should conduct the test at younger ages.

Can also choose a combination of examination and echocardiography tests practice test called stress echocardiography. This method can visualize the heart wall segments that allegedly impaired oxygen supply.

A new examination is classified as Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA). To know the heart of the area where the disturbed blood supply can be done with a radio isotope examination Thalium or Technicium. Katerisasi invasive techniques such as sensitivity is almost 100 percent, but should be done only when a more positive indication of having CHD.

The main complaint
Chest pain is also closely associated with lung disease and the channel
breathing. For example, pulmonary TB (tuberculosis), bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, lung fungus, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), lung disease work, and lung cancer. Chest pain, coughing, and shortness of breath merupakam main complaint of chronic respiratory disease and lung cancer is.

Pimples, boils and bruises on the chest can also cause chest pain. "Herpes zoster cause chest pain are very sick, though not yet occurred in the skin disorders," Dr. Alexander K. S. Ginting, doctors from the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital.

Stimulation or pressure in the parietal pleura (lining of the chest cavity also cause chest pain. Irritation of the bronchi due to smoke inhalation, dust, and chemicals are also often lead to complaints of chest pain such as burning.

Cigarettes provide an enormous contribution to the occurrence of disease
Chronic respiratory and lung cancer. It is known that in cigarette smoke are 63 components that are carcinogenic or cancer causing substances.

Chest pain was also a typical symptom of an increase in stomach acid and other stomach acid into tonggorokan. According to Dr. H. Syafruddin A.R. Lelosutan, Sp.PD., from the
SubGastroenterologi-hepatologist, Department of Internal Medicine, Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta. Interference was called reflux disease
gastroesofageal (PRGE).

Patients with chest pain due to PRGE actually quite a lot. However, many people are more likely to think of the disorders of the heart and lungs, when experiencing chest pain.

A study in Orlando, United States, in 1995 found that PRGE occurred in 40 percent of the adult population. The incident was elevated in the age group over 40 years and is more common in men.
Source: Senior

posted by Tip Healthy at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Preventing and Dealing In Gall Stone Natural
By: Prof.. H. M. Hembing Wijayakusuma

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ located in the small
the right abdomen, and hidden under the liver. Gallbladder
stores bile produced by the liver. During the meal, bladder
bile will contract (shrink) so spend a little liquid
bile brownish green in the small intestine. Bile
useful in the absorption of fat and some vitamins, like vitamin A,
D, E, and K. Bile is a mixture of bile acids, proteins,
calcium salts, pigments and fatty elements called cholesterol.
Some of bile entering the small intestine will be continued and
expelled through feces.

The main disorders that can arise in the gallbladder is the formation of
stone. This can also occur in the bile ducts. Gallstones
caused by chemical changes in the bile someone. Stone
Bile is formed from the deposition of cholesterol, bilirubin pigments and salts
calcium that hardens, but most of the gall-bladder stones formed
of cholesterol. Incidence of gallstones would be a problem if the entry
to a channel leading to the small intestine. Sometimes stones
can be formed in the bile duct itself, such as former
stitches in an operation.

In the gall-bladder stones can cause inflammation is called
kolestitis acute, this is because of gallstone fragments at the
bile ducts that causes pain. Stones through
can be related to the gallbladder in the liver and bile ducts,
so stop the flow of bile into the digestive tract. In
Besides, there are other factors that start the process
the formation of gallstones. These elements can be contained protein
the mucus fluid gallbladder formed in small amounts. This
This allows cholesterol, bilirubin, and calcium salts to form
solid crystalline particles. The shape of gallstones varies,
the rock formed from cholesterol and shiny yellow
such as oil, rocks composed of bilirubin pigment can be colored
but hard black or dark brown, but fragile. Size also
varies from small pebbles to registration, but
The average diameter of 1 to 2 cm.

Although gallbladder disease show no symptoms, the condition
worsening of symptoms is usually generated at mealtimes attack
foods containing high fat, if someone is suffering from the rock
bile. This happens because fat triggers the hormone stimulates
gall bladder to contract, forcing bile stored in
into the duodenum which is the way out to the small intestine, if the stone
impede the flow of bile will be like symptoms of acute illness
on the right side of the abdomen and towards the back, between shoulder and
to the front chest. Other symptoms of colic, belching, flatulence,
indigestion, sweating, nausea, vomiting, chills, body temperature
rather high, jaundice (when gallstones block the channel
bile), and brown feces.

Gallbladder stone disease and biliary tract are usually attacked
people aged between 20 - 50 years. The disease is 6 times more
often occurs in women until the age of 50 years. At the age of the
same for both sexes. In addition, women who experience more
than 2 times of pregnancy, the risk of getting gallstones more
high. Obesity / overweight have a risk of suffering from gallstones more
high compared with the no obesity. Some efforts
prevention of gallstone formation that can be pursued, among others
keep your weight in order to stay normal, lowers cholesterol, and
consume foods that contain lots of fiber. But on the other hand,
hard diet to lose weight quickly to stimulate
liver to remove cholesterol in large numbers into the liquid
bile, sehigga can cause gallstones.

To find out if our bodies have used a gallstone
gallstones detector, called ultrasound, which is the
uses sound waves that can not hear the ear. Waves
This sound is directed into the body and the reflected wave was processed
computers that will indicate whether or not gallstones. Addition
gallstones can be identified through X-ray and blood tests
in the laboratory.

For patients with gallstones, the main principle of treatment
gallbladder resting. Avoid fatty foods because fat
stimulates the gallbladder to work hard. Protein content in
diet is 1 to 1 ½ grams per body weight per day. Calories should also
limited, because most people with gallstones are also patients
obesity. Raw foods can cause indigestion, too
should be avoided.

Natural way that can be used to treat gallstones, namely:

30 grams of fresh leaves nasty shard sambiloto + 30 grams + 60 grams of fresh
boiled corn with water to 600 cc 300 cc left, the water
filtered, drunk warm.

60 grams of fresh herbs cat's whiskers + 30 grams of corn + 30 grams of leaves
fresh Meniran boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, water
filtered, drunk warm.

Spoon leaves 30 grams + 30 grams of fresh leaves of four o'clock flowers fresh + 100
grams of weed roots boiled with water up to 700 ccc remaining 300 cc,
filtered water, drunk warm.

Drink as much apple juice 4 cups per day for 5 days. On day
to-6 did fasting, and at the time of iftar drinking water + 30
grams of salt in english, at 20:00 o'clock to drink lemon juice ½ cup + ½ cup
olive oil, stir and drink.
Note: You can use one of the traditional way on top,
do regularly 2 times a day. In making use boiling
enamel pan or pot soil. Fixed a doctor

Chest Pain, No Pain Only Heart

When the chest pain, many people immediately think about
heart attack. These complaints are often marked symptoms of illness
heart. It turned out that many types of diseases that one indication
is chest pain, including lung cancer, breast cancer and
increase in stomach acid.

Not all chest pain comes from a disturbance in the jantung.Namun organs, chest pain is a typical symptom of the illness jantung.Menurut Dr. Hary Utomo, Sp. JP, chest pain due to abnormal jantungdiakibatkan imbalance between needs and supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.

Imbalance could be due to increased oxygen demand or
supply was too low, it could be a combination of both. In people with narrowing of the coronary arteries (blood vessels that supply the food), automatic blood stream is limited.

"If the patient requires an excess of oxygen consumption, such as when exercising or when facing stressful situations, such as anger, can be estimated onset of symptoms of angina or chest pain before," said a cardiologist and the blood vessels of the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta. These symptoms can get worse if accompanied by cramping, blood vessels, usually called spasm.

May end fatally
Sensation of chest pain due to coronary heart disease can vary. Usually a heavy feeling downtrodden, feeling gripped, sick or nauseated, burning heat, or a sense of choking in the throat.

Body parts that had complaints that could be in the middle of the chest, solar plexus, and between the shoulder blades, with spread to the left arm, neck and jaw. These symptoms occur when the patient initially doing strenuous physical.

Complaints will usually disappear after the patient rested. However, if the blood vessel disease is allowed to grow, the complaint will also appear at the break.

Increases the weight makes the disease chest pain lasted longer and could be accompanied by cold sweat, anxiety, cold hands and feet, seizures and even the consciousness decreased. If you do not immediately get medical help, this case can end up fatal.

The death rate for cardiogenic shock was more than 95 percent.
If patients helped, often have symptoms rest of the form
neurological disorders or kidney failure.

More Early Tests
At the hospital, chest pain patients will undergo a physical examination, laboratory and x-ray. If necessary also conducted
electrocardiography and echocardiography. Having obtained the certainty
stenosis of coronary angiography will be performed.

As early detection efforts, Dr. Hary suggested that those who
35-year-old began the practice test test (treadmill) every year. If you have high risk factors such as smoking, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia (abnormal blood lipid profile), high blood pressure, family history, should conduct the test at younger ages.

Can also choose a combination of examination and echocardiography tests practice test called stress echocardiography. This method can visualize the heart wall segments that allegedly impaired oxygen supply.

A new examination is classified as Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA). To know the heart of the area where the disturbed blood supply can be done with a radio isotope examination Thalium or Technicium. Katerisasi invasive techniques such as sensitivity is almost 100 percent, but should be done only when a more positive indication of having CHD.

The main complaint
Chest pain is also closely associated with lung disease and the channel
breathing. For example, pulmonary TB (tuberculosis), bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, lung fungus, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), lung disease work, and lung cancer. Chest pain, coughing, and shortness of breath merupakam main complaint of chronic respiratory disease and lung cancer is.

Pimples, boils and bruises on the chest can also cause chest pain. "Herpes zoster cause chest pain are very sick, though not yet occurred in the skin disorders," Dr. Alexander K. S. Ginting, doctors from the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital.

Stimulation or pressure in the parietal pleura (lining of the chest cavity also cause chest pain. Irritation of the bronchi due to smoke inhalation, dust, and chemicals are also often lead to complaints of chest pain such as burning.

Cigarettes provide an enormous contribution to the occurrence of disease
Chronic respiratory and lung cancer. It is known that in cigarette smoke are 63 components that are carcinogenic or cancer causing substances.

Chest pain was also a typical symptom of an increase in stomach acid and other stomach acid into tonggorokan. According to Dr. H. Syafruddin A.R. Lelosutan, Sp.PD., from the
SubGastroenterologi-hepatologist, Department of Internal Medicine, Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Jakarta. Interference was called reflux disease
gastroesofageal (PRGE).

Patients with chest pain due to PRGE actually quite a lot. However, many people are more likely to think of the disorders of the heart and lungs, when experiencing chest pain.

A study in Orlando, United States, in 1995 found that PRGE occurred in 40 percent of the adult population. The incident was elevated in the age group over 40 years and is more common in men

Monday 30 November 2009

about antibiotics

Antibiotics certainly not something foreign. However, how antibiotics should be used, not everyone knows.

1. What was the benefit of antibiotics?

Antibiotics are chemicals designed to fight germs, especially bacteria. There are various types of germs, there is a big germs, there are small, with a diverse nature as well.

Germs tend to nest in a particular organ in the body of the host. Some like it in the brain, in the lungs, the intestines, nerves, kidneys, stomach, skin, or throat, and others. In the organs where it was breeding, specific bacteria causing the infection. Cause typhoid germs in the intestines of typhoid, TB germs in the lungs, but can also in bone, kidney, brain, and skin. Leprosy germs in nerve and skin, bacteria in the throat diphtheria, tetanus in the nerve, and many more.

Initially, discovered penicillin type antibiotics, and sulfa, which is used to treat all infectious diseases. Now, have dozens of types of antibiotics found, both from the same family, as well as the newer types. Each antibiotic has his own ability in the fight against germs. That's because, every clump of germs have their antidotes specific. However, most antibiotics are completely impervious or broadspectrum. That is, all the germs can dibasminya.

In addition, there is a narrow type of antibiotic use, specific only to certain germs alone. For example, antibiotics for TB germs (mycobacterium tuberculosis), for leprosy or leprosy (mycobaterium leprae), or for typhoid (salmonella tyhphi).

2.Kapan antibiotic use?
Antibiotics are used if there is infection by bacteria. Infection occurs when bacteria enter the body. Germs enter the body through the entrance on their own. There is a mouth with food and drink, breathing air into the lungs, through renik wound in the skin, through sexual contact, or enter through the bloodstream, then the bacteria into the organs that he liked to nest.

Common symptoms of infection is usually accompanied by body temperature rises, fever, headache, and pain. Infection in the skin inflamed red reaction, swelling, heat, and pain. Example ulcers. In the intestine,
Symptomatic heartburn, diarrhea. In the airways, coughing, sore throat, or shortness of breath. In the brain, headache. In the kidney, many of urination, urinary red or like milk.

However, symptoms of elevated body temperature, fever, headache, and pain, could also not caused by bacteria, but infection by viruses or parasites. Of complaints, symptoms and signs, the doctor can identify whether the infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

The disease is caused not by germs not work treated with antibiotics. For virus were given antiviral, and to be given antinya parasites, such as antimalarial, antifungal, and anticacing. If infection by specific types of bacteria, usually doctors give antibiotics immediately in accordance with the bacteria cause. For example pain in the skin, tetanus, diphtheria, typhoid, or red eye infections.

For the dubious infection, required a special inspection to ensure the type of bacteria causes. How to make breeding (culture) germs. Biakannya material taken from blood or saliva, sputum, urine, feces, brain fluid, pus genitals, or skin kerokan.

With germ cultures, but found the type of bacteria, can also directly check the appropriate type of antibiotic to put it down (the resistance test). Thus, the infection is more appropriate treatment. If not performed resistance tests, could be considered capable of antibiotics had no effect, because the bacteria have developed resistance to the kind of potent antibiotics are considered.

3.Kenapa more and more antibiotic resistant bacteria?
The use of antibiotics in these countries are developing often uncontrolled and tends haphazard. Antibiotics that can be purchased freely, ignorance of use, and not used up completely, causing the generation of resistant bacteria (resistant) to antibiotics that are used inappropriately and recklessly that. The use of antibiotics that are not spent, or make it half a recipe, for example.

The more frequent and much abused an antibiotic, the faster the germs that cause common immune ditumpasnya. Use of antibiotics erythromycine groups and the most widely used in the decade of the 80s, gave birth to generations of the more resistant bacteria to it. Then, created a new generation of the same family. Every few years, birth of a new generation of antibiotics to eradicate species that have been resistant germs. Of course, with a more expensive price.

4.Apa side effects of antibiotics?
Like most drugs, antibiotics have side effects of each. There is a bad effect on kidney, liver, some are disturbing the balance of the body. The doctor knows what the side effects of antibiotics, so do not be given to any patient. Patients with liver disorders, for example, should not be given antibiotic side effects liver damage, even powerful
decontaminate patients who were idap. Doctors need to choose another antibiotic, may be less powerful, but does not have an effect on the liver.

However, if an antibiotic is not a replacement, antibiotics still used, with notes, the danger of side effects in a patient require monitoring by a doctor, if used for long periods of time. Antibiotics for tuberculosis, for example, that drinking at least 6 months, have liver function tests periodically, so if you have liver damage, a drug considered to be replaced.

5.Apa danger to overuse of antibiotics?
Use of antibiotics that are too often not recommended. In our country, people are free to buy antibiotics and use them when deemed necessary. A little cough colds, antibiotics drinking immediately. Once a new diarrhea, antibiotics immediately. Though not necessarily need. Why?

Not necessarily cold cough caused by germs. Initially by the virus. If the condition of strong bodies, viral disease generally heal themselves. Needs to be done on the diseases caused by viruses is
strengthen the immune system with enough to eat, rest, and nutritious food. Giving antibiotics in coughs caused by common cold viruses are only wasteful and harmful entities, because the carry side effects that antibiotics did not have to happen.

The case of cough cold virus that had long, which is usually exploited by bacteria, just need an antibiotic to eradicate the bacteria, not for her flu virus. Sign of a cold cough antibiotics need is to look at his nose. That had been diluted into a clear thick yellow-green. During his nose was still weak nodes, antibiotics are not needed.

Drinking antibiotics too often also disrupt the balance of intestinal flora. We know, in the normal intestinal bacteria that help grow digestion and the formation of vitamin K. In addition, in certain parts of our body also lives benign germs that live side by side in peace with our bodies. In the vulva, the skin, the mouth, and everywhere there are body parts that do not interfere with the bacteria, but beneficial (symbiotic).

Too often take antibiotics meant to kill all the bacteria that are beneficial to tame your body. If the population of benign bacteria that bermanfat for terbasmi body, body balance of microorganisms can be disrupted, so that the fungus that had been frightened by the germs in our body the opportunity to more easily attacked.

That is, many people who after taking antibiotics too long, then attacked by fungal diseases. Can mushroom in the skin, intestine, thrush in the mouth, or anywhere else. Whitish mold on women because, among other things because of vaginal antisepsis too clean by killing beneficial bacteria around the vagina (Doderlein).

6.Berapa long antibiotics should be consumed?
Duration of antibiotic use vary, depending on the type of infection and germs cause. At least 4-5 days. However, if the infection is still not complete, antibiotics should be continued until the complaint and the symptoms disappeared. In typhus, need a few weeks. Similarly, the diphtheria, tetanus. Sampling time on tuberculosis which took many months. Including leprosy.

In certain infections, after a cup of antibiotic use, need to be re-examination of the bacteria cultures to ascertain whether the bacteria are completely terbasmi. Urinary tract infection, for example, after finishing a cup of antibiotics and had no complaints of symptoms, the bacteria cultures carried out to see what was left in the kidney of germs. If the remaining germs and antibiotikanya discontinued, the infection disease will recur again.

Including dental infection. Toothache is usually caused by a germ that enters the gums and jaw bone through the gaps in teeth or porous. In such circumstances, swollen gums and tooth pain. Antibiotics are given to the missing tooth pain complaints. If antibiotics taken only a day or two, the bacteria in the gums do not die all, so that the gum infection and tooth pain will recur again.

7.Kenapa antibiotics can not work?
Antibiotic does not work because of two things. Most often, the disease-causing germs have developed resistance to these antibiotics. For that to look for other types of antibiotics which is more sensitive. Usually, resistance testing should be done to find the right type of antibiotic.

The second because of resistance testing was not done before and immediately given antibiotics randomly, so probably not the right choice for antibiotikanya types of disease-causing germs. Antibiotikanya is not impervious to germs cause.

We know there are germs of gram-negative. For that we need antibiotics for this type of bacteria. If given an antibiotic for this type of gram-positive bacteria, of course does not work, because antibiotikanya misplaced. Or it could be because the infection was not caused by germs, but by viruses or parasites. Skin fungus did not catch fire was given an antibiotic ointment or cream, for example.

Antibiotic means 8.Apa hard?
This means do not need antibiotics from a new generation, if the classical antibiotics (penicillin groups) still work. However, for only a mild infection (flu), antibiotics are often given the latest generation. In addition to much more expensive, the body also carry side effects are usually more severe. The more powerful antibiotics, usually the harder side effects too. Kill flies do not have to use arrows, simply tapped. Similarly for light infections. If possible, do not hastily put on antibiotics. Our bodies have the antibodies. Each seedling disease, of any kind, which enters the body, to be exterminated by the immune system itself. New body surrender if the seeds are malignant disease, numerous, and the immune system is weak.

Not every time the germs enter our bodies will fall ill. If the prime immunity, germs that have entered the body will fail to infect, and we are off sick. Infection generally occurs only when the body is weak. For that, need help anti sent from the outside. Anti shipment from outside that is played by antibiotics.

9.Kenapa people can pass out after a drink or a shot of antibiotics?
Sometimes, after a drink or an injection of antibiotics can be passed. Certain people are gifted allergies, are generally not resistant to penicillin-type antibiotics, either drunk or injected. A few minutes to several hours later came an allergic reaction. Flavor thick and itching on the lips, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and fainting. If mild itching just like biduran. The reaction can lead to great blistered skin reactions, ulcerous-ulcer (Steven-Johnson syndrome).

For the talented allergies, should be tested first before getting an injection of penicillin class antibiotic. If positive, do not be given. Or if ever there was a history of itching after a drink or injection of antibiotics, make notes, so next time can remind doctors that do not bear the antibitioka. Now allergic reaction to antibiotics is rare, because there are many choices of antibiotics are more superior than without the risk of penicillin allergy.

10. Are all antibiotics just to be drunk?
No. In addition to the drug in a drink (oral), there is also in the form of injection (parenteral), ointments, creams, suppositories (inserted into the rectum or vagina liang); lotions, and drops. Skin infections using an antibiotic ointment or cream, red eye infections using eye drops or ointment, middle ear infections using antibiotic ear drops, antibiotics used germ white bullet-shaped which is inserted into the vagina (for a married, does not make that as a girl).

Antibiotics streptomycine, garamycine, only in the form of injections, is not available in the form of tablets or capsules. In contrast, most antibiotics are not necessarily taken in the form of injections. But, there is also a good antibiotic in the form of injections or a drink.

Tinge with antibiotic powder on the sore tooth cavity such as the customs or the injured person, not very precise. Effect of antibiotic penetration into the infected gum tissue is not as good as when taken, or could absorb such an optimal antibiotic is in the form of an ointment or cream, if to be used on the skin


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